Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mini Pies Are The Bomb

Hold on to your sprinkles, kids! You'd better get your fill of cupcakes quick because this fall they're going to get the crumbs kicked out of them by a whole gang of snarky little tarts. Yesireee, pies are the new cupcake!

The rules are similar to the cake pop trend, mini is magnificent, only this time around bite-size is out and pint-size seems to be the right size. Portable is practical and the word on the street is that savory and sweet are equally fun to eat. Finally, last, but never least, cuteness counts!

Got it? Good! For those of you who were too busy hoarding cupcakes to take notes, you can read all about it later. Good gravy, there are a ton of pie cookbooks being released in the months ahead! Prepare your rolling pins for action because it looks like the recipes for party pies are just going to keep on coming.

So here's what's new:

Cutie Pies: 40 Sweet, Savory, and Adorable Recipes

Cutie Pies: 40 Sweet, Savory, and Adorable Recipes - Oh my, cherry pie! We love this one already! She had us at piejars, but you can't possible go wrong with recipes like Mango-Raspberry-Lemon Piepops! Yeah, I peeked inside. What can I say, curiosity killed my cat ages ago.

Handheld Pies: Pint-Sized Sweets and Savories

Handheld Pies: Pint-Sized Sweets and Savories - Okay, while still completely charming and totally adorable, the pies in this book look a bit more rustic which makes me think that they're going to win over the hearts of many men. And, yes, I dare say I spotted another piejar! Oh, my, are those homemade poptarts...squee!!

Mini Pies: Adorable and Delicious Recipes for Your Favorite Treats

Mini Pies: Adorable and Delicious Recipes for Your Favorite Treats - Stop right there! I know I said that cupcakes are out, but keep your muffin tins because they'll come in handy when making the petite treats in this beautiful book!

Vegan Pie in the Sky: 75 Out-of-This-World Recipes for Pies, Tarts, Cobblers, and More

Vegan Pie in the Sky: 75 Out-of-This-World Recipes for Pies, Tarts, Cobblers, and More - This is the third book in the ever-popular series of vegan dessert cookbooks. It's always awesome when someone does all the work for you and figures out how to make the good stuff without all the bad stuff. YUM!

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